Cucumber Gimlet

Cucumber Gimlet

If you’re like me, when you think Cucumbers and Alcohol, your mind probably skips right to the spa. Unlike the spa, though, the Cucumber gimlet is relatively cheap and easy to do at home, and you don’t have to have slimy eyes afterwards. Also unlike the...
Celery Gimlet

Celery Gimlet

Wait a second….THAT’s not a Bloody Mary! You’re right. The Bloody Mary is Satan’s cocktail, and I will never be convinced otherwise. HOWEVER, there IS some celery in this bad boy, and let me tell you it is absolutely refreshing. Scroll on down...
Green Pepper Gimlet

Green Pepper Gimlet

I’ve said it before (no I haven’t) and I’ll say it again (probably): Gin belongs with vegetables. Here’s a Green Bell Pepper Gimlet! See the recipe What Are You Even Doing? I’m glad you asked! After I first tried a gimlet, it inspired in...
Midori Gimlet

Midori Gimlet

Imagine: you’re at your local, perusing the amaro options because you like negronis and have a hankering for more, when all of a sudden, your eye snags on the brightest neon green liquid you have ever witnessed. Midori!!! You have to get it, because who...
Chartreuse Gimlet

Chartreuse Gimlet

Chartreuse is a sweet liqueur with an herbal flavor, made in France. It is one of my favorite alterations to many basic cocktails for adding just a little extra depth to the experience. The Chartreuse Gimlet is a variation on the standard gimlet, which is itself a...
Gimlet Cocktail

Gimlet Cocktail

Ok let’s be real. the gimlet cocktail is really just a gin sour. Sure, it’s subbing the lemon for lime, but that’s pretty much the only difference. At some point in history, someone decided to make this change and thought this bad boy needed a sexy...